
Recognizing the Early Signs of Gum Disease

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Are you worried about your gum health, but you aren’t sure how to tell if you have a serious problem brewing? The earliest signs of gum disease can be subtle, so stay vigilant.

Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. Practicing good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent gum disease, but once disease shows up, you may need specialized care to stop the advancement of gum disease.

At Preva Dental, serving in San Antonio, Texas, Prathima Rasamsetty, DDS, focuses on keeping your entire mouth healthy. If you have gum disease, we perform a range of treatments to stop infection and restore gum health. 

The subtle onset of gum disease

The worst thing about gum disease is how it can begin damaging the health of your gums long before outward signs show up. There are three stages of gum disease:


Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease. Many people have no symptoms, and others write off early warning signs like gum sensitivity or bleeding when brushing or using the wrong toothpaste or toothbrush.


If gingivitis goes unrecognized and untreated, gum disease advances into periodontitis. In this stage, infection can set in and start seriously damaging your gums and making them separate from your teeth. Pockets form between the teeth and gums, and the entire gum line can be red and irritated, or even look porous in spots.

Advanced periodontitis 

At this stage, gum damage becomes extreme, and the bone in your jaw can literally start to dissolve due to bacteria carried by plaque and tartar below the gumline. This bacteria attacks the bone and slowly eats it away, causing teeth to loosen and even fall out. People who go without periodontal treatment for an extended period of time run the risk of becoming completely edentulous (toothless). 

Periodontitis doesn’t just affect your mouth. Advanced cases have also been linked to serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and sepsis. 

Early signs of gum disease 

You must be cognizant of the signs of gum disease, and be sure to come in regularly for your check-ups so that your dentist may be alerted to any changes in your gum health. 

Seek care and see your dentist for a consultation if you experience any of these symptoms:

  • Tender, swollen, and/ or reddened gums
  • Bleeding during or after brushing
  • Gums that have begun to recede from the teeth or pockets between the teeth and gums
  • Teeth that are shifting or loosened
  • A bad taste in your mouth and/or bad breath 
  • Changes in your bite or the fit of your dentures 

Gum disease can show up in just one spot, so don’t dismiss a symptom just because it seems to be focused around a single tooth.

Preventing gum disease

The best preventive measures when it comes to periodontal disease are:

  • Brushing twice daily at minimum
  • Flossing daily (after meals is best)
  • Using mouthwash to kill bacteria
  • Avoiding foods and beverages that are high in sugar or high-fructose corn syrup
  • Rinsing after eating if you can’t brush and floss
  • Staying away from tobacco products 

Of course, be sure to maintain a schedule for getting a cleaning and exam twice a year.

Are you noticing signs of potential gum disease? Call our San Antonio, Texas, dental office today or make an appointment online.