
What Happens If I Put Off a Recommended Root Canal?

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Root canal therapy is “designed” to help you prevent tooth loss and preserve your natural smile. Yet despite its success, many people hesitate to have treatment. Here’s why that’s not a good idea.

Root canal therapy plays an important role in preventing tooth loss following traumatic damage, infection, or other tooth problems. Using special techniques, root canal treatment removes the damaged interior part of your tooth while leaving the healthy portion intact, preventing permanent tooth loss.

Yet despite its benefits, root canal therapy suffers from a bad rep thanks to pervasive and long-standing misconceptions about the procedure. As a result, many people put off having root canal treatment, increasing their risk of serious consequences.

In fact, today’s root canal treatments use advanced pain management techniques to keep you comfortable and relaxed throughout your treatment. Afterward, any residual discomfort can be effectively managed with over-the-counter pain medicine and a cold compress, when needed.

At Preva Dental in San Antonio, Texas, Prathima Rasamsetty, DDS offers root canal therapy to help patients with deep decay, infections, and traumatic damage avoid extractions and other complications. Here, learn why delaying a root canal can lead to more serious problems in your future.

Root canal basics

Root canal treatment is designed to treat decay and damage in the interior part of your tooth — the central pulp portion, where narrow canals lead from the center of the tooth all the way down the root to your jaw.

During a root canal, your tooth is completely numbed to avoid discomfort. Then, we use special instruments to access the tooth, remove the decayed or damaged portion, and carefully clean out and seal the root canals.

The tooth is filled using a special material, then it’s covered with a temporary crown for added strength and protection. You’ll come back a few weeks later to have the temporary crown replaced by a permanent one. And that’s it!

Today’s root canals are a lot simpler and more straightforward than you probably think, so there’s no real reason to hesitate when a root canal is recommended. Yet people still do — and they wind up taking on some serious risks as a result.

Why you shouldn’t delay treatment

Remember, root canal therapy is designed to prevent tooth loss. If you delay treatment, your risk of losing that tooth increases significantly. Losing just one tooth raises the risks of jaw pain, bite imbalances, uneven tooth wear, decay, and additional tooth loss in your future.

But there’s more: Many root canals are performed because a tooth is infected. When you put off care, that infection can spread to your jaw and even to the rest of your body through your bloodstream. Delaying care can put your oral health and your overall health in serious jeopardy.

When an infection does spread, it can cost a lot more to treat it. You might even need hospitalization. Having prompt treatment stops infections in their tracks, so these complications can be avoided.

And finally, one of the most obvious reasons not to delay care is simple: to get rid of that nagging pain. The sooner you schedule your root canal treatment, the sooner you can relieve discomfort and enjoy normal tooth function again.

Find out what’s causing your tooth pain

While deep tooth damage can certainly cause tooth pain (and other symptoms, like pain when eating, swelling, and temperature sensitivity), it’s not the only possible cause. Scheduling a visit at the first sign of pain is the best way to diagnose the underlying reason and treat it before complications occur.

To learn what’s causing your tooth pain — and how we can help — request an appointment online or over the phone with Preva Dental today.